
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Attachments  >  Stereo Microscopes Attachments
To meet the modern biological research, semiconductor and other technology industries use requirements of different occasions, matt optical microscope according to the modular design, body has a variety of universal support, base group, industrial binding with elevator group, the eyepiece, micrometer eyepiece, additional lens, photography, camera, digital camera, object stage machinery, such as the attachment to choose from.
Stereo Microscopes Attachments
彭州市| 闽清县| 秭归县| 双辽市| 天气| 贵阳市| 闻喜县| 东安县| 松原市| 定州市| 高青县| 桓仁| 合肥市| 额尔古纳市| 肃宁县| 大新县| 通道| 秦皇岛市| 苏尼特左旗| 阜新| 靖江市| 称多县| 山东| 江陵县| 化德县| 大理市| 临颍县| 新昌县| 响水县| 永丰县| 南阳市| 霸州市| 佛学| 霞浦县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 驻马店市| 雅安市| 大同县| 古田县| 都江堰市| 宁乡县|