
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



Position:  > Product  >  Stereo Microscopes

My company Stereo Microscopes are characterized by high resolution, high resolution, large depth of field, long working distance, novel structure, variety complete, is noted for its fine performance. They can be divided into four categories: Parallel Optical Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Greenough Optical System Zoom Stereo Microscopes, Dual Magnification Stereo Microscopes and Coaxial Illumination Zoom Stereo Microscopes. It includes MZPS0850; MZPS0880; MZS0655; MZS0870 and MZS1065; MZS0745; MZS0740; The MTS. MZS1865C etc. 9 series. My company's products can be widely applied to various fields.

Stereo Microscopes
徐汇区| 富蕴县| 鄂托克前旗| 兴和县| 日照市| 通化县| 湛江市| 改则县| 个旧市| 密云县| 皮山县| 静宁县| 上栗县| 樟树市| 景谷| 洮南市| 大同县| 叶城县| 博野县| 崇文区| 资兴市| 成都市| 福贡县| 枣强县| 上犹县| 翁源县| 西和县| 水城县| 游戏| 沙雅县| 余江县| 黄石市| 南康市| 井冈山市| 定结县| 竹山县| 江永县| 靖州| 时尚| 肃南| 响水县|